
Legal Aspects


The Company

The website (herefter called the « website ») is issued by the company LYNCEUS PARTNERS (Switzerland) GmbH (hereafter called « LYNCEUS PARTNERS » or the « publisher »). Limited Liability Company, the headquarters is located in Nordstrasse 1 6302 Zug, listed in the Commercial Register under the number CH-

Publishing and writing Manager : Mr Patrick CHOTARD, Chairman


Website Hosting

The website hosting is operated by the company OVH headquartered in Roubaix, 2 rue Kellermann (59100), listed in the Commercial Register as the number 424 761 419 00045

Phone number of the host : 1007 or +33 9 72 10 10 07

Website Design

The website was designed by the company LYNCEUS PARTNERS.

Regulatory information

In France, the firm operates through LYNCEUS PARTNERS France, a single-shareholder and simplified stock corporation with a share capital of 1000 Euros. The company’s headquarter is located in 22 Rue du Quatre Septembre 75002 Paris and is listed in the Commercial Register of Paris as the number 829 189 273

LYNCEUS PARTNERS France acts as a Financial Investment Advisor (FIA or CIF) and is listed in the French register of insurance intermediaries (ORIAS as the number 18001175 ; Member of the French ANACOFI.

Institutions promoting products mentioned in point 1° of Article L. 341-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code (in particular credit institutions, payment institutions, insurance companies and management companies for collective investment Fund) with which there is a material relationship of a capital or commercial nature: None.

Credit or payment institutions with which there is a financial link (direct or indirect holding of more than 10% of the voting rights or capital of the firm): None.'

Financial Markets Authority
Register of Insurance, Bank and Finance intermediaries (Orias)
  • Mailing Address: 1 rue Jules Lefebvre, 75331 Paris cedex 09
  • Website:

Disclosure on behalf of Atalante Management, a company of Pantheon Corp, incorporated in Luxembourg under the number B271059 and domiciled 2C Parc d’Activités, L-8308 Capellen, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg:
SFDR which is part of a broader legislative package under the European Commission’s Sustainable Action Plan, came into effect on 10 March 2021.
To meet the SFDR disclosure requirements, the Luxembourg AIFM identifies, assesses and, where possible and appropriate, seeks to manage Sustainability Risks for the Partnership as part of its risk management process. The Luxembourg AIFM believes that the integration of this risk analysis could help to enhance the long term value of the portfolio for Investors, in accordance with the Investment Objective and Investment Policy of the Partnership. However, due to the nature of the Investment Objective, Sustainability Risks are not integrated in the investment decisions.

For the avoidance of doubt, the Partnership is not promoting environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of article 8 of SFDR nor has sustainable investment as its objective within the meaning of article 9 of SFDR. For the purposes of Article 6 of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the Luxembourg AIFM confirms that the investments underlying this financial product (i.e. the Partnership) do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Luxembourg AIFM does not, and does not intend to, consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as per Article 4 1.b) of SFDR